Biafra CDC Takes A Firm Stance Against Vaccination Programs In Nigeria

There is a significant lack of trust between the Biafran populace and the Nigerian government. This mistrust stems from a long history where Biafrans have not experienced any benefits from government policies.

Biafra CDC Takes A Firm Stance Against Vaccination Programs In Nigeria - TBPA News
Biafra CDC Takes A Firm Stance Against Vaccination Programs In Nigeria.

The Biafra Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (BCDC) has issued a vital report regarding vaccination programs in Nigeria.

Given the historical context and the prevailing circumstances, the BCDC firmly advises Biafrans to refrain from participating in any vaccination initiatives orchestrated by the Fulani-controlled Nigerian government.

There is a significant lack of trust between the Biafran populace and the Nigerian government. This mistrust stems from a long history where Biafrans have not experienced any benefits from government policies.

Instead, past actions have often subjected the Biafran people to adverse consequences. These experiences contribute to the apprehension surrounding the legitimacy of any vaccination programs promoted by a government perceived as harmful.

The BCDC’s report points to the potential health hazards associated with engaging in vaccination programs led by a government that has historically marginalized Biafran communities.

The organization strongly advises against participation in such programs, as it could pose unnecessary risks to Biafrans’ health and safety.

Therefore, the BCDC’s official stance remains categorical: Biafrans should not partake in any vaccination program that does not assure transparency and genuine intent.


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